Desenvolvimento da Cultura de Feedback para Líderes

Live Online

Registration: Closed

Select the course option to continue

*A place on the course is confirmed once payment has been cleared.

Receipt of the certificate is conditional on attendance at at least 75% of the course.


The course is entirely live with the professor and, if there is interest in reviewing the discussions, the recordings of the classes will be made available for 10 days, not generating absence allowances

sobre o curso

Descrição do curso

​​Se você ainda não se sente confortável em dar um bom feedback a qualquer momento ou acredita que a melhor técnica é o feedback sanduíche, esse curso é para você. Desmistifique o feedback e qualifique sua comunicação.

Who is it for?

​​​Aspirantes à liderança ou líderes em exercício; e entusiastas do tema.​​


What you will learn

  • ​​Compreender a diferença entre feedback e avaliações periódicas, reconhecendo a naturalidade do primeiro;
  • Apresentar boas práticas de mercado a respeito do tema, criando um playbook de como fazer;
  • Dar subsídios aos alunos para que se sintam confortáveis e encorajados a implementar uma cultura de feedback no time
  • ​​Conceito de feedback; dinâmica para vivenciar a sua importância; por que e como não fugir de conversas difíceis;
  • Boas práticas do que fazer a o conduzir um feedback; como receber e aproveitar um feedback
  • ​Entendendo por que uma cultura de feedback vai transformar seu time.​

When does it happen?

New classes open

Join the new class of this incredible course now


Invista no seu futuro

The course may be canceled and/or postponed if there is not the minimum number of students enrolled to justify the opening of the course. Notice will be sent to the e-mail address on file no later than24 hours before the start of the course.

If the student does not agree to the postponement, he/she must request the transfer and/or cancellation from the Relationship Center by e-mailing[email protected].

ESPM is not responsible for any amounts that may have been spent by the participant, in any way whatsoever, such as airline tickets, bus tickets, fuel, accommodation, etc.

In the event of withdrawal from a course, requests for a transfer or refund of the investment will only be accepted 24 hours before the start of the course, via e-mail to [email protected].


Graduate satisfaction

Graduate Survey 2021 - Cia de Talentos

0 %

I would recommend my university to a friend or family member

(partially agree + totally agree)

0 %

I feel qualified to face the challenges of the job because of the course I've taken at my university.

(partially agree + totally agree)


Frequently asked questions

Ficou com alguma dúvida?
Dá uma olhada aqui.

The project begins with an emphasis on competency-based learning with two main advantages: on the one hand, it creates a direct connection between the students' academic validation and the companies' recruitment and selection process; on the other hand, it allows the students to create completely personalized tracks, according to their professional interests and demands.


Students will be able to take ESPM badges individually (e.g. Design Thinking Badge), making their learning experience totally personalized, self-paced and according to their financial reality or career moment. They can also take ESPM Combos, which are sets of badges suggested by ESPM for specific courses (e.g. Postgraduate Diploma in Big Data or Innovation Design and Strategy).


In this way, the student will become the protagonist of their own ESPM Journey with the mission of accumulating as many badges as possible throughout their journey. After all, there is no limit to the number of badges you can earn in lifelong learning.

Badges são credenciais digitais rastreáveis que representam a conquista do estudante no desenvolvimento da competência que tal badge representa. Os badges, que possuem rastreabilidade pública e certificação da emissora, são a versão contemporânea dos tradicionais certificados.


Os certificados representam a completude de um estudante frente a uma proposta pedagógica em uma área do conhecimento (e.g. Gestão de Projetos ou Marketing Digital), enquanto os badges representam a proficiência de um estudante no desenvolvimento de uma competência específica, inserida em uma área do conhecimento (e.g. Design Thinking ou KPIs de Mídias Sociais).

Os badges ofertados passam por uma revisão de abordagem pedagógica e de estrutura tecnológica. Logo, apenas a aprovação nas ofertas disponíveis na seção de badges no site da ESPM são elegíveis para receber a credencial digital.


Mas fique ligade! Pois novas ofertas de badges são continuamente incluídas ao longo do ano.

Por enquanto, apenas as ofertas disponíveis na seção “Dynamic ESPM” do site fazem parte do portfólio, mas novas ofertas são incluídas durante o ano todo.

A certificação que a aprovação no curso oferece não possui validade. Porém, os pontos acumulados em cada badge possuem validade de 3 anos a partir da data de recebimento para serem utilizados no upgrade em certificações mais completas (vide questão “O que posso fazer com meus badges?”).

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Sem problemas, dá uma olhada nessas opções.


According to your choice



SEED Program

ESPM, in partnership with the Gorom Association (, is promoting an academic collaboration aimed at developing social entrepreneurship, leadership and intercultural communication skills, which will enable a deeper understanding of global business development for four students selected to take part in the program, which began in July and will culminate in a presentation of results in December 2023.

This year's program is concerned with revitalizing the local economy in Japan, a country that has been facing an ageing society and a low birth rate and which, along with other economic factors, has posed many challenges for business development. In this year's edition, participants will be divided into four research groups, involving the sake, wine, jewelry and textile sectors, to develop concrete business proposal solutions.

To this end, over the course of the five-month program, participants will be trained through classes, debates, research and guidance to develop their proposals. These activities will be carried out online, but at the end of the program there will be a Study Tour to Japan, which will provide an opportunity for the students to take the skills and knowledge they have acquired and apply them in a practical way.

It will take around 12 days for the students to finalize their consultations and field research, talk to experts, local producers and community leaders before presenting their findings in a "Final Pitch" to entrepreneurs and other key stakeholders in the city of Yamanashi in December 2023.