DIPLOMACIA CORPORATIVA: Development of sustainability discussion in Japan: How are SDGs and ESGs being integrated in policy formation and business development locally and globally?


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Público: Alunos do curso de Relações Internacionais ESPM-SP, convidados e profissionais do setor


Participe da Palestra “DIPLOMACIA CORPORATIVA: Development of sustainability discussion in Japan: How are SDGs and ESGs being integrated in policy formation and business development locally and globally?” organizada pelos profs. Marcelo Zorovich (Coord. do Curso de Relações Internacionais) e Alexandre Uehara (Coordenador do CBENI & DiC) e coorganizada pelo Consulado Geral do Japão em São Paulo e pela Japan House São Paulo.


Trará Masachika Suzuki, professor da Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies da Sophia University, para colocar em discussão o tema ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) ou em português ASG (Ambiental, Social e Governança) e como as estratégias de negócios das empresas podem ser influenciadas por esse conjunto de boas práticas.


A palestra será em inglês com tradução simultânea.


Masachika Suzuki

Masachika Suzuki

Masachika Suzuki is a Professor at Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies at Sophia University. The area of his research interests includes clean energy technology innovation and development, sustainable finance and banking, and sustainable tourism and community development. He received Ph.D. from Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam in the Netherlands and MAs both from Columbia University in the US and Keio University in Japan. Apart from the academic career, he has work experience in the field of environmental and energy consultancy. The positions include senior analyst positions at Mitsubishi Securities in Tokyo and Innovest Strategic Value Advisors in New York as well as consultant positions at the UN headquarter (UN DESA), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and UNU’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU IAS). 


According to your choice
