Mestrado em Administração


On Tuesdays and Thursdays

Start date




Modalidade: Presencial

Data de início: 05/08/2024

Período: Noturno e vespertino

Aulas: Às terças e quintas-feiras

Horário: Das 19h às 23h - eventualmente serão oferecidas disciplinas eletivas no período vespertino das 14h às 18h.

São Paulo - ESPM Tech

Mestrado em Administração

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Inscrições até: 03/06/2024

Eventos ESPM

Conheça todos os detalhes do nosso curso, converse com o coordenador e decida o futuro da sua carreira.

About the course

Marketing, Strategy and Innovation in International Management

The master's course focuses on the area of management, which is concerned with the management of organizations conducting business in the domestic and international environment. This involves issues of local adaptation and global integration, analysis of domestic and international markets, and distribution of Marketing, Production and Innovation (Research and Development) activities, Internationalization strategies and knowledge transfer between subsidiaries, entry modes, and resource allocation.

Research lines

The course is organized into two lines of research.

ESPM Research

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Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in



4 Semesters

Course completion


Course Mode

Curriculum Structure

Compulsory Subjects

To provide an academic integration between the undergraduate program in Administration and the graduate program in Administration, Master in International Management. To allow students to reflect on the teaching practice considering the epistemological, pedagogical and political dimensions and to promote the didactic and pedagogical training of master's students. Topics: The multiple actors involved in educational processes. The theories of learning, planning and development of teaching activity. Active learning as a guide for the election of teaching strategies. Planning for the creation of learning situations: learning plans. The objectives of the course as an anchor for the design of the subject and the teaching and learning plan. The syllabus as an open work. Didactic materials to support learning. Assessment and monitoring of learning as a means of perceiving the student's level of apprehension and guiding teaching mediation: reflections, conceptions and instruments.

The general objective of this course is to make students proficient in the operationalization of the theoretical framework used in research and publications in international management and international business, as well as in reading and writing papers in the area. The degree of proficiency should allow them to a) identify, understand and be able to criticize the theoretical framework of a given study and b) master more deeply the theoretical tradition of their own dissertation project Summary The main approaches to the international phenomenon and its theories. Economic-based International Business Theories (Transaction Cost Theory / Internalization, Product Life-Cycle Theory, Hymer and the logic of Direct Investment, Dunning and the eclectic paradigm, Buckley and Casson and the Internalization of intermediary activities costs and Economic Institutionalism). Uppsala Behavioral Based Theories (Gradualism, Psychic Distance, Network). Managerial (Strategic) Theories of International Management (Bartlett and Ghoshal and the main variables of international strategy, Knowledge Flow in the Multinational Company). Other relevant theoretical references (Intercultural Research in International Management).

At the end of the period the student should be able to: know, understand and apply concepts, techniques and analytical possibilities that qualitative research, in its various formats and approaches, can imprint on academic work. To plan the collection, organization and analysis of qualitative data. To connect the research problem and objectives to the choice of qualitative methodological procedures. Content: Initial concepts of Qualitative Research. Phenomenological research. Action research. Narrative research. Ethnography. Case study. Mixed methods. Validation. Content analysis.

The course aims to present the main concepts, techniques and tools of statistical analysis that can help in the processes of planning and analysis in research in the area of Administration. Main techniques used in quantitative analysis. Introduction to data analysis: tables and graphs; data presentation. Main distributions: discrete and continuous. Sampling and sampling distributions. Point and interval estimation. Parametric and nonparametric hypothesis tests. Analysis of variance. Simple regression and time series.

The overall objective of this course is to make students proficient in the main research questions related to the field of International Management. The logical relationship between the themes, theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches and procedures of academic work in the area of International Management will be discussed. This discussion will be important to assist in the development of Master's dissertation projects and future academic publications. Thus, the specific objectives of the course aim to:

a) Master in greater depth the development of scientific research in International Management;

b) Improve the development of the master's dissertation project;

c) Generate an academic paper of your master's thesis.

In order to meet the learning objectives set, it is intended to help the participant form a vision of the context in which Higher Education is inserted at the international and national levels. Next, a discussion on learning will be prioritized with the intention of situating knowledge, the teacher's and student's responsibilities in the teaching and learning process. Next, we will discuss education by design, the importance of diagnosing the learning styles of students and teachers when we want to invest in the construction of learning-friendly environments. Finally, we will recognize assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning process.

To present a broad overview of the main theories in use in the Marketing and Consumer Behavior literatures; to develop students' abilities to identify research problems and propose conceptual and empirical solutions to those problems; to train the theoretical grounding of research problems and hypotheses and the identification of possible conceptual contributions arising from their investigations; to enhance students' perception of the interdisciplinary methodological orientations found in studies in the field.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to explain the main perspectives in Organizational Theory and how they complement or contradict each other, making clear their respective assumptions, contributions and limitations. Summary: Classical theories. Neoclassical theories. Systemic, organic and contingent theories. Economic organizational theories. Power and politics in organizations. Organizational culture. Institutional theory. Resource dependence and population ecology. Critical theories. Organizations and psychoanalysis. The postmodern perspective. Organizational theory and NI. Brazilian production in OT and NI.

General Electives

To introduce the student to the main techniques of multivariate quantitative analysis, stimulating students to add these quantitative approaches to their research problems, enabling them to search for and analyze information in a structured manner. To introduce the concepts and quantitative computational tools with their applications within the Management research field. Introduction to the concepts, techniques and tools of quantitative multivariate analysis. Multiple Regression. Statistical inference. Covariance analysis. Principal Component Analysis. Factor Analysis. Discriminant Analysis. Cluster Analysis. Structural Equation Modeling.

With the organization and offer of the first edition of the course Didactics of Higher Education, the Master of Business Administration reaffirms its commitment to contribute to the training of teacher-researchers in the area of International Management and reinforces its identity as an institution of higher education. With the support of selected authors and texts, the course will provide for the discussion of core themes in higher education, recovering theories and methodologies that favor reflection on teaching practice through the renewal of knowledge. Summary: The organization of the Brazilian higher education system. The theories of learning and the potential development of teaching activity. Teaching versus learning or teaching committed to learning. Teacher-centered and learner-centered education: merits, limitations and adaptations. (Active / significant) learning as a guide to the choice of teaching strategies. Reflections about young people and their presence in the classroom. Planning for the creation of learning situations: learning plans. The objectives of the course as an anchor for the design of the subject and the teaching and learning plan. The syllabus as an open work. Assessment and monitoring of learning as a means of perceiving the student's level of apprehension and guiding teaching mediation: reflections, conceptions and instruments.

Objetivos: Ao final do período o aluno deverá ser capaz de: Desenvolver pesquisas qualitativas utilizando diversos métodos e permitindo a replicabilidade do estudo. Demonstrar familiaridade com os principais métodos de pesquisa qualitativa utilizados na literatura da área de Administração. Ler e compreender artigos elaborados com métodos qualitativos. Elaborar a introdução e o item metodologia de um estudo qualitativo.


Conteúdo: Design de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Validade e confiabilidade em estudos qualitativos. Estruturação do item metodologia. Método de pesquisa Estudo de Casos. Método de pesquisa Focus Group. Método Laddering. Netnografia. Técnicas de tratamento e análise de dados qualitativos. Análise de conteúdo.

Objectives: At the end of the period, the student should be able to: differentiate the main epistemological currents, their dilemmas and limits; appropriate the philosophical foundations of scientific production and how they contribute to thinking about investigative practice today; and elaborate the relationship of the epistemological discussion with his/her own scientific exercise.


Content: Reason as the foundation of Modernity. The Problem of Induction in Hume and Popper. The crisis of Reason. Phenomenology and other epistemic paradigms. Experience, knowledge and meaning. Challenges of decolonial thought.

Objetivos: Ao final do período o aluno deverá ser capaz de: estruturar artigos acadêmicos visando à participação em Congressos Nacionais, Internacionais e periódicos de impacto. Serão abordados: características da escrita acadêmica; o planejamento do artigo; a estrutura do artigo; o sistema de avaliação e revisão por pares. Ao final, espera-se que os participantes consigam apresentar um poster ou artigo completo que atenda às exigências acadêmicas.


Conteúdo: Características da escrita acadêmica. O planejamento do artigo. A estrutura do artigo acadêmico. Título, resumo e palavras-chave. Introdução. Revisão da literatura, desenvolvimento conceitual e hipóteses/proposições. Metodologia. Resultados e discussão dos resultados. Considerações finais, contribuições sociais, acadêmicas e gerenciais. O sistema de revisão e avaliação por pares. Os aspectos da conduta ética na redação acadêmica e na produção de conhecimento.

The general objective of this course is to develop scientific and critical thinking in students, understanding knowledge as a function of the active activity of the human mind in contact with reality, and understanding the diversity of conceptions of what knowledge is and what reality is, especially social reality. Knowledge: possibilities, origin and essence. Paradigms of sociological thought and their main authors. Paradigms of the Philosophy of Science and its main authors. The Method. The false neutrality of techniques. Revolutions in scientific thought. The theories. Critical analysis of specific administrative theories.

At the end of the course the student should be able to: identify and examine the role of Marketing in society, describe and compare existing/avant models of Marketing in their economic, social and environmental aspects, evaluate the strategic value of managing relationships with stakeholders from a Marketing perspective, understand the impacts of sustainability on Marketing.

Objetivos: Ao final do período o aluno deverá ser capaz de elaborar um problema de pesquisa compreendendo o fenômeno do luxo no contexto da administração contemporânea com uma visão abrangente e crítica. Conteúdo: A evolução do conceito de luxo. O gerenciamento das marcas de luxo e masstige. Arte e luxo. Níveis de luxuosidade percebida e varejo. Extensão de marcas. Consumo conspícuo. Sinalização de status.

O objetivo desta disciplina é familiarizar os participantes aos principais conceitos e práticas utilizados no Método do Caso, de forma a habilitá-los na condução de debates, bem como na redação de casos e notas de ensino. Casos: estágios da aprendizagem, modelagem da complexidade e estrutura típica de casos e notas de ensino. Condução: implicações da infraestrutura física, tipologia de questões e uso do quadro. Planejamento: plano de aula, plano de quadro e blocos de discussão. Contrato pedagógico, preparação prévia do estudante e avaliação de aprendizagem: recursos e trade-offs. Checklists para seleção e redação de casos.

Brand management is an essential discipline in today’s dynamic and hypercompetitive business environment. In an era where consumer choices abound and marketplaces are saturated with options, the significance of effective brand management cannot be overstated. A brand is not merely a logo or a catchy slogan; it is the embodiment of a company’s identity, values, and promises to its customers. Successful brand management goes beyond creating a recognizable image; it fosters trust, loyalty, and emotional connections with consumers. This, in turn, can lead to increased market share, customer retention, and ultimately, sustainable business success. In today’s ever-changing and evolving world, understanding and harnessing the power of brand management is crucial for companies striving to thrive and stand out in the crowded global marketplace. This course will explore the many-sided of brand management, investigating its role in shaping consumer perception, influencing purchasing decisions, and ultimately, driving business growth and prosperity. Selected topics and research directions, such as destination branding, luxury branding, managing global and regional brands, etc., will be presented to students.


Esta disciplina será ministrada totalmente em inglês

This course covers how companies can use data to create stronger customer bonds. By completing the course, the participants will be able to build marketing and business strategy based on the data collected by the company and created by the customers. Furthermore, the participant can conduct customer segmentation and profiling methods to support marketing differentiation strategies. Moreover, participants get familiar with forecasting methods to predict customer behavior that contribute to creating effective retention programs, more profitable cross- and up-selling activities, reward programs, and recommendation systems. During the course, lectures, case discussions, and exercises support participants in learning how to create strong customer relationships.


Esta disciplina será ministrada totalmente em inglês

Mensuração em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Teoria Clássica dos Testes (TCT). Construtos, variáveis latentes e variáveis emergentes. Dimensionalidade de escalas. Confiabilidade da escala. Validade da escala. Diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de escalas. Análise Fatorial Exploratória. Análise Fatorial Confirmatória. Destruição de escalas. Indicadores dentro de uma escala. Desenvolvimento da versão final da escala. Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI).

International Management Marketing Electives

The course objectives are: to present theoretical and practical aspects associated with the measurement of variables and constructs used in scientific research in general and, with greater emphasis, in the field of marketing; to identify, in scientific papers, which theoretical constructs are addressed and the ways used by researchers to operationalize them, as well as reflect on these choices; to develop the ability to formulate scales and measurement instruments for use in research authored by the students themselves. Measurement in Social and Behavioral Sciences: epistemological debate and central definitions. General measurement model: latent constructs, scale requirements, some measurement proposals. Scale evaluation: dimensionality, reliability, validity. Reliability: error, domain sample, test-retest procedure, split-half reliability, Cronbach's alpha, others. Validity: definition, types of validity, ways to access it. Constructs of a formative and reflective nature. Advantages and disadvantages of using scales available in the literature. Choosing between maximum comparability and maximum reliability in international research.

Objetivos: Ao final do período o aluno deverá ser capaz de: compreender os principais arcabouços teóricos utilizados para compreender a governança dos sistemas agroalimentares, comportamento do consumidor de alimentos, agregação de valor do campo à mesa e refletir sobre a transição rumo a sistemas agroalimentares sustentáveis e resilientes aos desafios ambientais e sociais no agronegócio.


Conteúdo: economia dos custos de transação, nova economia institucional, modelos de negócios sustentáveis e inovadores no Agronegócio; agregação de valor do campo à mesa, food marketing, territorial marketing, comportamento do consumidor de alimentos, consumo sustentável.

Objetivos: Ao final da disciplina o aluno deverá ser capaz de: Demonstrar proficiência marketing internacional. Demonstrar familiaridade com as principais estratégias de marketing global, regional e internacional praticadas por empresas de diferentes setores e porte. Ler e compreender a literatura da área de marketing internacional. Elaborar um artigo sobre os temas abordados na disciplina.


Conteúdo: as diferenças entre marketing global e marketing internacional. A influência do ambiente econômico, e os mercados emergentes. O consumidor e as diferenças culturais. A gestão da marca em ambientes internacionais. O desenvolvimento das estratégias de marketing internacional, com as decisões de padronização e adaptação do marketing mix. A estruturação dos departamentos de marketing internacional e global.

The objective of this course is to discuss the main topics related to consumer behavior with an international focus. Presentation and discussion of selected themes of consumer behavior, with discussion of methodological and conceptual aspects. At the end of the course, the student should Understand the concepts related to consumer behavior; Understand how consumer behavior influences the process of acquisition and consumption; recognize the main areas of study in the international area; develop ability to identify applications of concepts and theories of consumer behavior in the development of research with a focus on the international area. Topics Consumer behavior research - the international/global issue; Types and methods of research; Culture and dimensions of culture; Culture and values; Intergroup behavior - ethnocentrism, patriotism, nationalism; National identity; Ethnic consumption, immigration and migration; Individual consumer characteristics; Global consumer and cosmopolitanism; Attitudes and country of origin and country brand.

To discuss and deepen the themes related to the study of marketing process modeling in global markets. Emphasis will be given to the process of marketing diffusion of new products and technologies, in its different theoretical and conceptual approaches. It seeks to develop approaches that explore individual consumer behavior, the influence of global network externalities, and the structure of networks in the diffusion of new products and services in the global environment. Marketing in global environments. Factors of acceptance and adoption of new products. Factors that influence the diffusion of new products in new markets. Elements of new product diffusion. History of research in diffusion. Generations of innovations. The product innovation process. Product diffusion across countries. Diffusion networks. Mathematical models of diffusion. Mathematical theories of diffusion of new products. The Frank Bass model. Modeling the diffusion process.

The objective is to update the student and provide a critical view of the research topics developed in the main study centers and journals related to marketing in the global context. Topics Current or emerging topics in international marketing. The current literature and recent publications in high impact journals. Marketing applied to the global context and the context of management and academic research on this topic.

At the end of the course the student should be able to: understand the evolution of the marketing concept; identify and understand the main schools of thought in marketing and their dominant perspectives; develop a critical view of the theoretical aspects of research in marketing and consumer behavior over the years. Contents: Overview of the evolution of marketing thought. History of marketing as a discipline. Evolution of the marketing concept. Schools of thought in marketing. Contemporary approaches to marketing thought.

At the end of the course the student should be able to: develop the ability to plan, conduct and analyze experimental studies, and discuss their application in research in the area of Management, with a focus on marketing and consumer behavior. understand how causal studies can be applied in research in the area of applied social sciences, with a focus on Management, human behavior and consumer phenomena.

Contents: Overview of experimental research in management and marketing. Scenarios and experimental designs. Manipulation and measurement of variables. Internal and external validity. Analysis and effects. Between and within subject designs. Care of research participants and ethical behavior in the application of experimental studies.

General electives in Strategy and Innovation in International Management

Public Private Partnerships and their approaches in International Business. Foreign Direct Investments in economic and social infrastructure. Non-Equity Modes and contractual modes: concessions/PPPs. Financing long term investments in infrastructure. Transportation infrastructure and logistics. Energy infrastructure: electricity, oil and gas. Telecommunications Infrastructure. Basic sanitation and solid waste infrastructure. Social Infrastructure: health, education and other sectors.

At the end of the course, students will be able to: understand strategy and innovation from seminal and contemporary perspectives, considering organizational and managerial aspects in different epistemological perspectives, taking into account the international context. Analyze business models applied to internationalization. Distinguish competitive and collaborative alternatives of international strategy. The topics covered include: International entrepreneurship. Innovation ecosystems. Vision based on resources. Strategy tripod. Coopetition. Dynamic capabilities. Innovation in business models.

The objective of the course is to discuss and deepen the themes related to the study of innovation in the international environment. Emphasis will be given to classical texts on innovation in the international environment, more specifically in multinational companies. Topics: Innovation in the multinational company, innovation in foreign subsidiaries, innovation and competitive advantage, innovation in the value chain, product and process innovation, innovation in R&D, decentralization of R&D, environment and innovation, network and innovation, innovation transfer, open innovation in multinationals, innovation and knowledge management.

The general objective of the course is to present the specificities of strategy in emerging markets. The object of study is emerging multinationals and foreign multinationals in emerging markets. Three specific objectives outline the course program: The importance of studying the impact of the institutional environment for companies in and from emerging markets. Characteristics of emerging markets. The competitive advantage of operating in emergent markets. Summary: Strategy and Institutional Environment. Institutional voids, Liabilities of foreignness, Institutional Distance and Strategy, strategy of foreign firms in emerging markets, strategies of emerging multinationals. The issue of first versus last entrant. Specificities of Brazilian companies vis-à-vis Chinese, Russian and Indian companies. Latin American Multinationals.

The objective of the course is to discuss and deepen the thematic related to the study of innovation in foreign multinational companies located in Brazil and Brazilian multinational companies abroad. Emphasis will be given to the experiences of internationalization of companies directed by innovation and the processes of generation and diffusion of innovation in the matrix and subsidiaries of multinational companies in their different theoretical and conceptual approaches. It seeks to develop approaches that explore innovation and learning paths in the multinational enterprise as a source of competitive advantage. Topics: Innovation in multinational companies in Brazil and Brazilian multinationals abroad, R&D in foreign companies in Brazil; knowledge transfer and product development in multinationals in Brazil and Brazilian multinationals abroad. Innovation for low income. Technological learning and accumulation of capacity for innovation. Mechanisms of coordination and control of Innovation. Typology of business strategies for Innovation.

At the end of the course, the student will have basic conditions to investigate how organizations formulate and implement strategies; differentiate the theoretical currents that underpin the strategy; articulate the evolution of studies on strategy with other areas of knowledge. The topics to be covered are: the origins of strategy; strategic positioning; resources, capabilities and competencies; knowledge management; dynamic capabilities and micro-foundations of competitive advantage; relational approach to strategy; strategy at the base of the pyramid.

At the end of the course the student will be able to understand creativity as a driver of innovation and entrepreneurship from seminal and contemporary perspectives, considering organizational and managerial aspects in different epistemological perspectives and levels of analysis. The topics to be covered are: creativity dimensions, creativity measurements, Schumpeterian innovation, organizational innovation, open innovation, entrepreneurship approaches, effectuation, entrepreneurship by opportunity and by necessity, corporate entrepreneurship.

By the end of the course, students will have research competencies in innovation management at the corporate level and at the macro level of national contexts. Students will also be familiar with common and/or promising methodological approaches in the field.
Contents: Types of innovation. Innovation and digital change. Innovation processes and structures. Measures and outcomes of innovation and country positioning.

TOTAL: 40 créditos (carga horária: 600 horas)

Créditos exigidos em disciplinas obrigatórias: 14 (CH 210)

Créditos exigidos em disciplinas optativas: 10 (CH 150)

Créditos em supervisão de dissertação: 14 (CH 210)

Créditos em atividades complementares Obrigatórias: 2 (CH 30)

** Some courses may be offered in the English language

Selection Process

Learn how each step of the selection process works

Online meeting with the coordination

Online, via Zoom

Registration for the selection process


Electronic Delivery of Documents



EDIÇÃO DE FEVEREIRO – Data de realização: 05/03/2023


EDIÇÃO DE JUNHO – Data de realização: 18/06/2023


EDIÇÃO DE SETEMBRO – Data de realização: 24/09/2023


EDIÇÃO DE NOVEMBRO – Data de realização: 26/11/2023



For the Master's candidate, submission of the pre-project is recommended and of a qualifying nature, but not mandatory.


The candidate must prepare his research pre-project taking into account the lines of research presented in this announcement. 


The pre-project for the PhD candidate is expected to be between four (minimum) and six (maximum) pages long (1.5 line spacing). The structure of the pre-project should follow the following sequence:


  • Project title / Abstract and keywords
  • Problem / Research Objectives
  • Justification and contribution of the research
  • Theoretical basis for formulating the research problem
  • Methodological approach
  • Data Collection Proposal
  • Proposed Timeline
  • Initial bibliography in ABNT or APA standard


The pre-project delivery can be replaced by the delivery of a scientific paper published in a congress in the Administration area (see Attachment A of the announcement) or in a journal listed in Qualis/CAPES, Administration area, as long as the Master's or Doctoral candidate was the first author.

O edital é essencial, pois nele estão detalhadas todas as informações e diretrizes cruciais para participar do processo seletivo. É por meio dele que você candidato terá acesso a todas as orientações necessárias, garantindo transparência, igualdade de oportunidades e conformidade com os requisitos estabelecidos.


*The link to the online selection process will be sent by e-mail after payment of the registration fee.

**We do not reserve a place for approved candidates. Guarantee your place by registering, according to the availability of vacancies for the course.

Here you learn from the best professionals in the market.

“Nosso Programa tem por foco a Gestão Internacional, tanto na perspectiva do marketing quanto da estratégia e inovação. Um mestrado ou doutorado nesta área é um desafio transformador que ilumina mentes e amplia oportunidades profissionais”.
Professor Silvio Luis de Vasconcellos
Silvio Luis De Vasconcellos
Course Coordinator
Course Professors

Mestrado em Administração

Início das aulas: 05/02/2024

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Informações sobre o curso de Mestrado em Administração

Modalidade: Presencial

Data de início: 05/08/2024

Período: Noturno e vespertino

Aulas: Às terças e quintas-feiras

Horário: Das 19h às 23h - eventualmente serão oferecidas disciplinas eletivas no período vespertino das 14h às 18h.

Mestrado em Administração

Select the course option to continue


No valor de todas as mensalidades do curso para alunos e ex-alunos da graduação e pós-graduação ESPM. O desconto não é acumulativo.



No valor de todas as mensalidades do curso para alunos e ex-alunos dos cursos de extensão da ESPM. O desconto não é acumulativo.

Development Agencies


PROSUP Integral

Exemption of tuition after the period of its implementation and receipt of support.


Aid to defray the cost of school fees (tuition).


There is no released quota, depending on the approval of individual application of the scholarship request, with the consent of the advisor.

Institutional Scholarship

Offered by ESPM

Scholarships are granted by the institution itself, after evaluation by the Scholarship Committee, and include total or partial exemption from tuition fees.

CAPES and institutional scholarships will be implemented starting in March. Therefore, the student who is awarded the scholarship must be aware of the payment of the registration and tuition fees for the month of February. The renewal of the scholarship will be conditioned to the performance obtained and requirements demanded by the scholarship holder in the Semester and Annual Evaluation of the Student.

  • RG and CPF (originals)
  • Original college transcripts
  • Diploma of a college degree recognized by MEC, with a minimum workload of 1600 class hours. In the absence of a diploma, the student may submit a certificate, attestation or declaration of course completion with a description of the date of graduation, which will be accepted temporarily, leaving the student responsible for later delivery of the referred diploma (originals)

In the case of international diplomas, a sworn translation is required, as well as consularization by Brazil in the country of origin and revalidation, according to Resolution No.8, of 4/10/07, from the National Education Council (CNE), available at:

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Where will the course take place?

From Monday to Friday, VAN service from ESPM

Ana Rosa Subway exit

(Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves Avenue, 65 - in front of the Caixa Econômica Federal)


06h30 to 13h30

2:30pm to 5:00pm

6 PM to 11:30 PM 

Free and exclusive service to ESPM students, present your student ID card when boarding.

ESPM Tech Campus

Joaquim Távora Street, 1240 - Vila Mariana, São Paulo - SP

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Central de Relacionamento Pós-graduação
De segunda a sexta-feira das 8h às 20h 

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SEED Program

ESPM, em parceria com a Gorom Association (, está promovendo uma colaboração acadêmica que visa a desenvolver habilidades de empreendedorismo social, liderança e comunicação intercultural, o que permitirá um aprofundamento da compreensão do desenvolvimento de negócios globais a quatro estudantes selecionados para participar do programa, que se iniciou em julho e culminará em uma apresentação de resultados em dezembro de 2023.

O programa deste ano envolve a preocupação com a revitalização da economia local no Japão, país que tem enfrentado o envelhecimento da sociedade e a baixa taxa de natalidade e que, juntamente com outros fatores econômicos, tem imposto muitos desafios para o desenvolvimento dos negócios. Na edição deste ano, os participantes serão divididos em quatro grupos de pesquisa, envolvendo os setores de saquê, vinho, joias e têxteis, para desenvolverem soluções de propostas concretas de negócios.

Para isso, ao longo de cinco meses do programa, os participantes serão capacitados por meio de aulas, debates, realização de pesquisas e orientações, a desenvolverem suas propostas. Essas atividades serão realizadas online, mas, ao final do programa, será realizado o Study Tour ao Japão, que oferecerá uma oportunidade para os alunos levarem as habilidades e conhecimentos que adquiriram e aplicá-los de forma prática.

Serão cerca de 12 dias, em que os estudantes finalizarão as consultas e as pesquisas de campo, conversarão com especialistas, produtores locais e líderes comunitários antes da apresentação de suas conclusões, em um “Pitch Final” aos empresários e outros stakeholders-chave na cidade de Yamanashi, em dezembro de 2023.