Mestrado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo


On Mondays and Wednesdays

Start date




Modalidade: Presencial

Data de início: 07/02/2024

Período: Vespertino

Aulas: Às segundas e quartas-feiras

Horário: Das 14h às 18h

São Paulo - ESPM Tech

Mestrado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo

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Eventos ESPM

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About the course

Communication and consumer practices

The Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program in Communication and Consumption Practices at ESPM (PPGCOM ESPM) began in 2006 with the academic Master's course and had the PhD course approved in 2012. It aims to train teachers and researchers of high level, with competence in national and international performance, able to perform and lead research activities, guidance and teaching in the area of communication and consumption. Its faculty and students have recognized intellectual production and the program is rated 5 by CAPES

Research lines

The course is organized into two lines of research.

ESPM Research

Get to know the researches and actions developed by
Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in
Communication and Consumer Practices



4 Semesters

Course completion


Course Mode

Curriculum Structure

The course has a course load of 450 hours, composed of the following subjects:

Compulsory Subjects

The scientific field. Science, scientific knowledge and common sense. Logic of scientific thought. Fundamentals of scientific methodology. The problematic - subject/object - and the constitution of the researcher subject. Contemporary science. Quantitative and qualitative procedures in social sciences and humanities. Methods and techniques of research in communication. Communication epistemology. Communication and its interdisciplinary dialogues. Communication as a new scientific field. Credits: 4 Workload: 60
Discussion and deepening of the projects developed by the students. Identification and reflection on the research problems, theoretical references and methodological contributions. The conception, production and development of the scientific text in the development of research projects. The particularity of scientific knowledge produced at the intersection communication/consumption. Credits: 4 Workload: 60
The main theoretical currents of social communication. The founding concepts and contexts. The canons and the main ruptures. Media theories in relation to the emergence and development of the media. Theories of the contemporary. Communication and modernity. Communication and post-modernity. Communication theories, the media scene, and consumer cultures. Credits: 4 Workload: 60
The communication and consumption interfaces from historical contexts, theories and paradigmatic authors in the framework of modernity. The classical notions of consumption in their connections with the reading of communication processes. The processes of metropolization, industrialization and the emergence of the cultural industry. Mass society, communication and consumption. The construction of the consumer and the receiver subject. The legacy of sociological, anthropological, economic and philosophical theories in the construction of the communication/consumption interface. Credits: 4 Time Load: 60

Optional Subjects

Discipline that contemplates different themes related to the research projects developed by the teachers of the Line - Processes of reception and sociocultural contexts articulated to consumption.

Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30

Cultural studies and its theoretical legacy. Mediation theories in Latin America. Cultural, reception and consumption studies: convergences. Critical theoretical contributions to reception studies. The concept of reception and its operation as part of the communication process. Meaning, representation, ideology, hegemony. Popular culture and identity. Readings, interpretations, subjects. Multiculturalism and symbolic conflict. Reception, uses and appropriations. Contexts and ambiences of reception. Everyday life and the articulations between public and private. Encoding and decoding. The relations consumption/consumer and reception/receptor.

Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30

Discipline that contemplates different themes related to the research projects developed by the faculty members of the line - Logics of production and media strategies articulated with consumption.

Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30

Historical background of political economy. General notions about political economy. Political economy in contemporary times. Economy and political power. Relation capital/labor force. Systems of commodity production and circulation (material and symbolic). Globalization, political economy and communication. Concepts of symbolic economy. Political economy of media. Cognitive capitalism, creative industries and flexible accumulation. Immaterial capitalism, subjectivity and biopolitics.

Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30

O objetivo deste seminário é o de examinar a influência e o impacto globais das práticas culturais DIY nas modalidades e significados como estas têm informado as representações e o desempenho do género em diferentes partes do mundo – nomeadamente no Sul Global. A espinha dorsal do seminário centra-se numa análise aprofundada e compreensiva da história da participação, perspectivas e experiências (sub)culturais das mulheres e atores LGBTQIAP+ ao longo do tempo desvelando uma perspectiva histórica da realidade do DIY para não se cair na falácia da revolução eterna e da ideia de que este ethos só surgiu nos últimos anos. Assim, teremos cinco patamares fundamentais de argumentação científica e prática pedagógica: a história, as representações sociais, as práticas, o corpo e os espaços.


Créditos: 1

Carga horária: 15

TOTAL: 30 créditos (carga horária: 450 horas)

Créditos exigidos em disciplinas obrigatórias: 16 (240 horas)

Créditos exigidos em disciplinas optativas (eletivas): 4 (60 horas)

Créditos em atividades complementares: 6 (90 horas)

Créditos em orientação de dissertação: 4 (60 horas)

Selection Process

Learn how each step of the selection process works






The interview is the essential step in the selection process.


For applications to the master's program, the interested party must submit a research pre-project that must
be written in Portuguese and have, mandatorily, from 10 to 15 pages typed in Times New Roman font
body 12, 1.5 spacing, A4 paper, and 3 cm margins, according to the ABNT norms.

The Master's pre-project must adhere to the following structure:

a. Cover page, containing: Title, Candidate's name, and Line of Research
b. Abstract (8 to 10 lines)
c. Keywords (3 to 5)
d. Contextualization of the problem and object of the research
e. Objectives (general and specific)
f. Justification of the relevance of the research
g. Theoretical framework
h. Research methodology (detailing the procedures and techniques to be used)
i. Research execution timeline
j. Bibliographical references

The candidate for master's or doctorate degree will choose to enroll in one of the two research lines of
PPGCOM, respecting the compatibility of his/her research theme with the topics listed in item 7 of this

O edital é essencial, pois nele estão detalhadas todas as informações e diretrizes cruciais para participar do processo seletivo. É por meio dele que você candidato terá acesso a todas as orientações necessárias, garantindo transparência, igualdade de oportunidades e conformidade com os requisitos estabelecidos.



*The link to the online selection process will be sent by e-mail after payment of the registration fee.

**We do not reserve a place for approved candidates. Guarantee your place by registering, according to the availability of vacancies for the course.

Here you learn from the best professionals in the market.

“É necessário entender o consumo como um mediador cultural das relações sociais materializado em produções midiáticas diversas.”
Professor Eliza Bachega Casadei
Eliza Bachega Casadei
Course Coordinator
Course Professors

Mestrado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo

Início das aulas: Fevereiro de 2024

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Informações sobre o curso de Mestrado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo

Modalidade: Presencial

Data de início: 07/02/2024

Período: Vespertino

Aulas: Às segundas e quartas-feiras

Horário: Das 14h às 18h

Mestrado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo

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No valor de todas as mensalidades do curso para alunos e ex-alunos da graduação e pós-graduação ESPM. O desconto não é acumulativo.



No valor de todas as mensalidades do curso para alunos e ex-alunos dos cursos de extensão da ESPM. O desconto não é acumulativo.

Development Agencies


PROSUP Integral

Exemption of tuition after the period of its implementation and receipt of support.


Aid to defray the cost of school fees (tuition).


There is no released quota, depending on the approval of individual application of the scholarship request, with the consent of the advisor.

Institutional Scholarship

Offered by ESPM

Scholarships are granted by the institution itself, after evaluation by the Scholarship Committee, and include total or partial exemption from tuition fees.

CAPES and institutional scholarships will be implemented starting in March. Therefore, the student who is awarded the scholarship must be aware of the payment of the registration and tuition fees for the month of February. The renewal of the scholarship will be conditioned to the performance obtained and requirements demanded by the scholarship holder in the Semester and Annual Evaluation of the Student.

  • RG and CPF (originals)
  • Original college transcripts
  • Diploma of a college degree recognized by MEC, with a minimum workload of 1600 class hours. In the absence of a diploma, the student may submit a certificate, attestation or declaration of course completion with a description of the date of graduation, which will be accepted temporarily, leaving the student responsible for later delivery of the referred diploma (originals)

In the case of international diplomas, a sworn translation is required, as well as consularization by Brazil in the country of origin and revalidation, according to Resolution No.8, of 4/10/07, from the National Education Council (CNE), available at:

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Where will the course take place?

From Monday to Friday, VAN service from ESPM

Ana Rosa Subway exit

(Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves Avenue, 65 - in front of the Caixa Econômica Federal)


06h30 to 13h30

2:30pm to 5:00pm

6 PM to 11:30 PM 

Free and exclusive service to ESPM students, present your student ID card when boarding.

ESPM Tech Campus

Joaquim Távora Street, 1240 - Vila Mariana, São Paulo - SP

Ficou com alguma dúvida? Podemos te ajudar:

Central de Relacionamento Pós-graduação
De segunda a sexta-feira das 8h às 20h 

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SEED Program

ESPM, em parceria com a Gorom Association (, está promovendo uma colaboração acadêmica que visa a desenvolver habilidades de empreendedorismo social, liderança e comunicação intercultural, o que permitirá um aprofundamento da compreensão do desenvolvimento de negócios globais a quatro estudantes selecionados para participar do programa, que se iniciou em julho e culminará em uma apresentação de resultados em dezembro de 2023.

O programa deste ano envolve a preocupação com a revitalização da economia local no Japão, país que tem enfrentado o envelhecimento da sociedade e a baixa taxa de natalidade e que, juntamente com outros fatores econômicos, tem imposto muitos desafios para o desenvolvimento dos negócios. Na edição deste ano, os participantes serão divididos em quatro grupos de pesquisa, envolvendo os setores de saquê, vinho, joias e têxteis, para desenvolverem soluções de propostas concretas de negócios.

Para isso, ao longo de cinco meses do programa, os participantes serão capacitados por meio de aulas, debates, realização de pesquisas e orientações, a desenvolverem suas propostas. Essas atividades serão realizadas online, mas, ao final do programa, será realizado o Study Tour ao Japão, que oferecerá uma oportunidade para os alunos levarem as habilidades e conhecimentos que adquiriram e aplicá-los de forma prática.

Serão cerca de 12 dias, em que os estudantes finalizarão as consultas e as pesquisas de campo, conversarão com especialistas, produtores locais e líderes comunitários antes da apresentação de suas conclusões, em um “Pitch Final” aos empresários e outros stakeholders-chave na cidade de Yamanashi, em dezembro de 2023.