ESPM Libraries


São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Porto Alegre

Its mission is to ensure access to information, offering specialized services and products that accompany technological and social transformations, contributing to the excellence of teaching, research, and extension in the areas in which ESPM operates.



Check out our products and facilities that ESPM provides to its students

New on the Bookshelf

O blog das Bibliotecas ESPM com todas as novidades dos acervos. Conheça e acompanhe!

Affiches Cândido de Faria Book
A Brazilian in Paris

ESPM Libraries Regulation

Rules, regulations and duties directed to students and teachers for the access and use of ESPM Libraries

Agendamento de visita - Bibliotecas

Leave your contact and we will talk to you.

Importante: as visitas são, exclusivamente, para uso/pesquisa do acervo

O tratamento dos dados pessoais aqui fornecidos para agendamento de visita às Bibliotecas ESPM segue as diretrizes previstas na Política de Privacidade da ESPM.

São Paulo

Rio de Janeiro

Porto Alegre