ESPM Podcasts

Originais ESPM

Podcasts produced and hosted by our editorial team.


Lifelongcast ESPM

The podcast of the professional in constant movement, an ESPM program for you to prepare yourself for the future of work and business. 

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Primeira Jornada ESPM

A straight talk program made by ESPM, which helps you choose a career and reflect on your professional future.

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ESPM Centers

Podcasts distributed on the ESPM network.



O podcast TransformaGov é uma parceria entre o Instituto de Relações governamentais (Irelgov) e o curso de relações internacionais. O objetivo é discutir temas importantes para profissionais da área de Relações Governamentais e Institucionais (RIG) e contribuir para o entendimento sobre a atuação destes profissionais na sociedade. O projeto é responsabilidade da professora Denilde Holzhacker e dos membros do Irelgov. O podcast é organizado em séries temáticas e conta com a participação de especialistas e profissionais da área de RIG.

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Consumption Juice

Conceived by the participants of the GP Consumer Behavior GP Consumer Behavior, linked to MPCC-ESPM. The episodes deal with themes related to consumption and are always subsidized by RESEARCH developed at ESPM, especially in the Master's and Doctoral programs. The formats vary, from dialogues between researcher and advisor, to conversations between Master's students and graduates, exchange of ideas between professors and thematic meetings of similar research. The production of podcasts may be associated with other related products, being suggested the creation of "podpapers".



O Podcast do Numa, que trata sobre assuntos relacionados a marketing e consumer insight’s e ao mundo digital, e como que sua forte presença e mudanças afetam o ambiente mercadológico. Vamos trazer diversos conteúdos de uma forma super didática e leve para que seja acessível à todos!

Student Projects

Podcasts produced by our students.



Hyperlink is the podcast of Newronio, the blog of Hub Arenas ESPM, which talks about art, culture, entertainment, music, advertising, and design.

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