pós-graduação Rio de Janeiro

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O campus mais charmoso do Rio de Janeiro

Pesquisa do Egresso 2023

Featured Courses

Encontre o curso ideal para você:

Subject area


Momento da jornada profissional


Villa Aymoré

Queremos que você também se sinta em casa!

Nossa equipe está trabalhando para deixar o espaço com a cara da ESPM, portanto, ainda não finalizamos todos os detalhes. As imagens das salas de aula, dos laboratórios, áreas de convivência, entre outros, serão atualizadas aqui, assim que estiverem prontas. Fique de olho!

Why choose ESPM?

New challenges require unusual knowledge:

World MasterClass

Supplementary classes with professors from the best universities in the world to strengthen your global business perspective, as well as international networking.

Leader in Class

Classes with the participation of top market leaders, contributing to your learning.

Learn about our modalities:

Live Course

Disconnect from work to experience immersive experiences* and network with professors, classmates, and other classes before, during, and after classes.

*Some graduate programs have occasional online activities.

Hyflex Course

Maximum flexibility for your schedule and location. Have the freedom to attend live classes in person at ESPM units or virtually* via Zoom. Participate in person to live immersive experiences and network before, during and after class with our Happenings program. Or participate virtually from wherever you are to better fit your schedule and location. Class recordings available to review discussions (no excused absences).

*There is one compulsory face-to-face meeting per subject in HyFlex postgraduate courses.

Hybrid Course

Be part of the course with live online classes and participate in immersive experiences scheduled at ESPM units.

Muito mais que uma pós tradicional!

Only here you can guarantee exclusive benefits designed to boost your studies, preparing you for the new challenges of the market.